Last updated
Last updated
Clone Chroma's repository with your terminal
Change directory path to your cloned Chroma
Run docker compose to build up Chroma image and container
If success, you will be able to see the docker images spun up:
Collection Name
Chroma URL
Specify the URL of your chroma instance
If you are running both Flowise and Chroma on Docker, there are additional steps involved.
Spin up Chroma docker first
Open docker-compose.yml
in Flowise
Modify the file to:
Spin up Flowise docker image
On the Chroma URL, for Windows and MacOS Operating Systems specify http://host.docker.internal:8000. For Linux based systems the default docker gateway should be used since host.docker.internal is not available:
Can be connected with nodes from
Can be connected with nodes from
Chroma collection name. Refer to for naming convention