Uploads Learn how to use upload files/images/audio
Flowise allow users to upload files/images/audios from the chat. In this section, we will go through each and see how to enable the feature and using it.
Certain Chat Models allow user to input images:
When Allow Image Upload is enabled, images can be uploaded from chat interface.
To perform the same using API:
Python Javascript
Copy import requests
API_URL = "http://localhost:3000/api/v1/prediction/<chatlfowid>"
def query ( payload ):
response = requests . post (API_URL, json = payload)
return response . json ()
output = query ({
"question" : "Can you describe the image?" ,
"uploads" : [
"data" : '' , # base64 string or url
"type" : 'file' , # file | url
"name" : 'Flowise.png' ,
"mime" : 'image/png'
Copy async function query (data) {
const response = await fetch (
"http://localhost:3000/api/v1/prediction/<chatlfowid>" ,
method : "POST" ,
headers : {
"Content-Type" : "application/json"
} ,
body : JSON .stringify (data)
const result = await response .json ();
return result;
query ({
"question" : "Can you describe the image?" ,
"uploads" : [
"data" : '' , //base64 string or url
"type" : 'file' , //file | url
"name" : 'Flowise.png' ,
"mime" : 'image/png'
}) .then ((response) => {
console .log (response);
Under Chatflow Configuration, user can select a Speech to Text module. Supported integrations are:
When enabled, users can speak directly into microphone and speech will be transcribed into text.
To perform the same using API:
Python Javascript
Copy import requests
API_URL = "http://localhost:3000/api/v1/prediction/<chatlfowid>"
def query ( payload ):
response = requests . post (API_URL, json = payload)
return response . json ()
output = query ({
"uploads" : [
"data" : 'data:audio/webm;codecs=opus;base64,GkXf' , #base64 string
"type" : 'audio' ,
"name" : 'audio.wav' ,
"mime" : 'audio/webm'
Copy async function query (data) {
const response = await fetch (
"http://localhost:3000/api/v1/prediction/<chatlfowid>" ,
method : "POST" ,
headers : {
"Content-Type" : "application/json"
} ,
body : JSON .stringify (data)
const result = await response .json ();
return result;
query ({
"uploads" : [
"data" : 'data:audio/webm;codecs=opus;base64,GkXf' , //base64 string
"type" : 'audio' ,
"name" : 'audio.wav' ,
"mime" : 'audio/webm'
}) .then ((response) => {
console .log (response);
Users can upload files from the chat as well. Uploaded files will be upserted on the fly to the vector store. However, to enable file uploads feature, there are a few pre-requisites.
A file-upload supported vector store must be present in the chatflow.
If you have multiple vector stores on a chatflow, you can only turn on file upload for one vector store at a time.
At least one Document Loader node should be connected to the vector store's Document input.
Supported Document Loader:
One or multiple files can be uploaded on the chat:
Here's how it works:
Uploaded files will have the metadata updated with the chatId.
This will allow the file to be associated with the chatId.
When querying, an OR filter is being applied:
Metadata contains flowise_chatId
and the value equals to the current chat session id
Metadata does not contains flowise_chatId
An example of a vector embeddings upserted on Pinecone: